A project of immense proportions


Dams are the only viable scalable 24/7 power production option for renewable energy. All dam technology is based on 1950’s technology. In the current iteration they emit  methane, destroy fragile ecosystems, and choke the ocean of the most important nutrients. Irony of dams believes that it is time to design hydroelectric around the surrounding ecosystems. 

What is our purpose?

  • To show that our greatest technologies can and are our greatest strengths and weaknesses

  • To make global warming and its solution understandable and believable to at least 19% percent of the population

  • To provide a process in which at least 30 percent of the population feels empowered and able to help fix the problem

  • Engineer the processes that will make the earth habitable for humanity while optimizing the natural processes that made civilization possible in the first place
Why are we doing this?

We believe that the world is a place of abundance that leveraged correctly will propel the light of consciousness into the future.

Any system that works will need energy and mobility. By adding energy to a system and using the most available energy resource efficiently we will with very little effort be successful.

How will we achieve this?

We will capitalize on natural processes that are underutilized or utilized and optimize them to produce at the theoretical maximum and by doing these processes in a way that has multiple beneficial products instead of the current processes which produce only one. Example: Nuclear energy produces electricity but also produces nuclear waste, on a long enough timeline is not a viable alternative due to the waste and the finite supply of nuclear fuel.

Engineering guidelines need to have multiple benefits and few if any negative aspects.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.